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Spotify Lovers

Spotify Lovers



from France
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"We created the Ambassador Program with the idea of rewarding the most engaged and loyal users. Our mantra : « You love Spotify ? We love you back ! ». The program is called #SpotifyLovers and is divided in several steps : - locate fans and engaged users on Twitter - create a special website (http://spotifylovers.fr) which presents the program, gives informations via blog articles such as the prices to win, the current festivals and so on, and allows users to apply. - We promoted #SpotifyLovers via social media channels with a promoted Facebook post and a promoted tweet, but the idea is that the program should remain as secret as possible, to instaure the fact that #SpotifyLovers are privileged users (and also to avoid a too high number of applications). - Then, we selected the users according to their influence on Twitter, the frequency of their conversations about Spotify and their apply letter : do they really love us ? Why do they want to be Spotify Ambassadors ? The rewards are diverse and varied, and go with some obligations. The #SpotifyLover who talked the most and the better about a specific festival is selected and win a VIP access to it. Then, he has to animate our Snapchat account, to take some pictures and to give us his feedback about the festival. Each month and a half, the #SpotifyLoves are reevaluated to make sur the better ones are picked and chosen. "